Welcome to Meadowsweet Retreats, your partner in crafting unforgettable experiences in the heart of Tuscany. We’re not just a company; we're the secret ingredient behind the magic of dream retreats. Our team becomes your behind-the-scenes maestros, orchestrating every detail so that you, the facilitators, can simply focus on curating an exceptional guest journey. Picture this: the Meadowsweet villa, a haven designed for immersing in nature’s embrace. Think yoga sessions with breathtaking views, culinary adventures, serene meditation, hands-on craft workshops, invigorating hikes, and pure relaxation in acres of wilderness. Our promise? To elevate your retreat vision while you create cherished moments for your guests. Come, let Meadowsweet Retreat turn your retreat dreams into a reality amidst the captivating landscapes of Tuscany.

We are delighted to partner with some of the worlds most influential coaches, chefs, healers, artists, photographers, permaculture specialists and crafts people to create their own bespoke retreat.

We believe that creativity and higher spirituality is deeply connected. We can support your guests experience by providing soulful, nature inspired activities to immerse your guests into conscious slow living. We can offer workshops such as floral design, natural dyeing, earthen ceramics and watercolour painting.

Offer your guests a taste of off-grid living as they get their hands dirty in the vegetable gardens as we learn together about permaculture and living a homestead life. Lose yourself in the stories of plant folklore and medicinal magic as you walk through the forests and meadows with our in-house forager.

In true Tuscan fashion, mealtimes will be ones to unwind and connect with new friends on the retreat. All of our partnership retreats are full catered by our resident chefs who create nourishing root to fruit meals, snacks and elixirs with all organic produce grown or foraged on our land.